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Craft your Own
Whisky Legacy!

Bespoke whisky bottling with Brave New Spirits Ltd.
– without the need to buy a full cask of whisky!

Carefully curated list of exclusive casks

the Most Rare, finest and exotic casks from all over the world

Limited Whisky runs

A Personalised
whisky experience

Whilst stocks last

Whilst stocks last

Are you ready to elevate
Whisky Experience?

From Cask Selection to Bespoke Bottling with the Cask Split Programme.

Cask Split Programme is a project catered to any whisky enthusiast. It provides an opportunity to create a bespoke solution to fit any occasion, whether you’re an independent bottler already, a whisky club, a society, a bar or a hotel – anyone can participate!

Image of multiple casks with different colours standing in line
Image of multiple whisky casks standing in line showing the Brave New Spirits logo on top

How does it work?

We periodically release a carefully curated list of casks which will be available to purchase in “lots”.

Each “lot” is listed as an accurate number of bottles – keep in mind that “lots” are not subject to change, and they indicate an Minimum Order Quantity.

Label Design

With the Cask Split Programme, not only will you be able to choose the spirit, but you will also be able to choose the bottle type and design your own bespoke label!

We will provide guidance every step of the way to ensure that everything complies with designated countries regulations.

Our experienced team will be happy to assist you at each stage of the process.

Arm with a hand holding 3 bottles of white label whiskies (without any label on them)

Your Steps to take:


Contact our Team


Choose your spiriT


Design your label


Enjoy your own bespoke bottling

Register here for details

Cask Splitting Programme Logo

To receive updates about our carefully selected casks for the Cask Split Programme, sign up below.

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Get in touch today!

We’d be happy to send you details on how to release your whisky bottling with the Cask Split Programme.

Contact Us